Life Membership


Pennsylvania Eastern Chapter of the FBINAA

Bylaw #14

Any member, after 25 years in good standing and meets eligibility requirements, may apply for lifetime membership to the Pennsylvania Eastern Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association.  Lifetime Membership will be offered as long as the Chapter is financially sound.  Upon the Executive Board’s approval, the member shall have continued membership without paying dues to the Pennsylvania Eastern Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association and be entitled to all benefits derived from said Membership.  The Pennsylvania Eastern Chapter will also provide a fifty percent (50%) discount for this chapter’s Welcome Back Luncheon. (Pennsylvania Eastern Chapter of the FBINAA Bylaw #14)

Pennsylvania Eastern Chapter of the FBINAA members who qualify must submit the initial Life Member Application in order to be considered for Life Membership prior to September 1st.

Once designated as a Life Member, each Life Member must submit the Current Life Member application prior to September 1st each year in order to remain on the active Life Membership roster.  Members who fail to do so may be removed from the roster and their benefits could cease without notice.

The FBINAA Eastern Pennsylvania Life Membership is separate from the National Life Membership. Please click the link below for information on the National Life Membership.